
This website is designed to document my adventures with Global Vision International Costa Rica, a non-government organisation dedicated to wildlife conservation and community enrichment projects in the developing world.
I initially signed on as an Intern for six months in January 2010 and subsequently worked my way into a staff position beginning in July 2010 and continuing indefinitely. The experience has been a great one so far and I have no doubt that there will be plenty more to come.
I will update this website roughly every other Thursday. It may not be an exact schedule as I only have limited internet access but it will almost always be a Thursday!
I hope you enjoy my website and thanks for reading!


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Aerial photo of Tortuguero

5 Things you might not know about Costa Rica

1. It's in Central America not South America. It borders Panama to the South and Nicaragua to the North. Its East Coast borders the Caribbean and its West Coast borders the Pacific. It's roughly the size of Wales.

2. It has no army! It was actually abolished in 1948 and this has been largely successful with Costa Rica being a very stable country since, especially compared to some of its Central American neighbours. Apparently though, the police are very well trained and can be heavily armed if needed.

3. It ranks 1st in the Happy Planet Index. Hmmm not sure how this works, but its an interesting fact anyway.

4. Main exports are coffee and bananas, although income from these has been overtaken by that of tourism, with more than a million tourists per year (most of them from North America).

5. Its one of the most environmentally aware countries in the world. Over 25% of the country is protected and this is due to increase. This protection is vital as the country supports some 5% of the entire world's biodiversity (numbers of different species of all organisms) - including 850 species of birds (more than the USA and Canada combined) and a quarter of the whole world's butterfly species!