Well I made it! I wasn't sure that I would until we finally fled Heathrow in the snow leaving Britain to plunge into an Ice Age.
U.S. Customs did their best to make me miss my connecting flight but I made it onto the plane with about 10 minutes to spare - needless to say I was a sweaty mess. I felt sorry for the Canadian lady sat next to me - though we did have a bit of a chat so I can't have smelt that bad!
It was a long journey made all the more weird by the fact that it felt like I was travelling back in time through the time zones. I arrived in Costa Rica around 7:40pm. I had started at 5:45am, yet I had been travelling for close to 20 hours.
On arrival in San Jose, I was picked up at the airport by the owner of the hostel I was staying in, along with a Australian girl named Emily who was studying in Vancouver. She is here for 5 weeks and we were obviously both quite excited and chatted away through our taxi to the hostel. Unfortunately, it was dark so we were unable to see much of San Jose as we drove.
On arrived at the hostel, we checked in and headed to our dorm only to bump into another member of our expedition. Andrew is doing the 6 month intern position as well as me, and he is from Cheltenham!!!!! What are the odds? We had a bit of a chat but I must admit I was starting to feel the lack of food and sleep and so passed out fairly early.
Woke feeling very refreshed at around 6:00am and started hearing my first exotic bird calls from outside. They are serving pancakes at 7:00 - I can't wait!!
1/8/2010 12:38:52 am

Glad to see that you have arrived safely. Hope that you enjoy your pancakes? They are my favorite along with Maple Syrup and crispy bacon, yummy! I bet you are still catching up on the time difference! Look forward to your next blog.

Lots of love Roxie x

1/14/2010 11:47:59 pm

I can't believe you go all the way to Costa Rica and meet someone from Cheltenham, crazy small world

laurie and auntie lynn,uncle barry, luke
4/2/2010 08:59:29 pm

hey jon,hope your ok. the pics of the beach look lovely im so jealous of you. hope you have a happy easter i suppose there is not much chocolate out there for you. wot a shame,bet there is plenty of drink instead. miss you take care love ya xxxx


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