Thanks to the benefits of having a decent regular wireless connection, I have been working very hard to try and bring this all up to date. I have completely changed the photo section as that page was starting to clog up pretty bad with all the photos on there. I have now entered in several links to photo albums on Google Picasa which is a very cool free program and well worth checking out - you will need a Google account to view these photos but its quick and easy to set one up and then you get to use Google Maps and all their other cool stuff too! So its well worth doing.
Anyway there are quite a lot of photos with all new informative captions on them to see plus you can now leave comments a la Facebook. Let me know if you have any problems using it and hope you like looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them!
I am finishing up in Nicaragua at the moment and I will endeavour to get my blog of my time here up as soon as possible. For those wildlife nerds like me I have also managed to get some species lists up - though they might not mean too much to you!!
More to come in the next few days.

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