Well here we go. Four weeks till I'm due to fly back to the UK. Where it will be cold, wet and Christmas Time. And I have to say I'm quite looking forward to it. I'll miss Jalova but it's time to move on. Plus for financial reasons I have no choice in the matter.
Anyway here's some stuff that has happened since the phase began.
One of the volunteers got bitten by a snake. It was not a poisonous snake but it was still a bit of a shock as it happened right outside the volunteer dorms. We got her to a clinic within a couple of hours just to be on the safe side and all was well. I had in fact been following the beautiful green parrotsnake around for about 20 minutes beforehand as well. Clearly, it liked our base and was quite happy to continue hunting lizards after the incident and last we saw it was sat up in a tree digesting a meal overnight.
I had a very interesting survey during which the same volunteer that was bitten by the snake happened to be sat in the front of the canoe. She called out 'whats that swimming across in front of us'. I looked up prepared to comment on the bird that I presumed it to be. But instead my exact reaction was "Oh my god! It's a Jag!" And sure enough swimming across some distance down the canal was a real-live Jaguar! I even managed to get a half-decent record photo of it!

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