Spent the day wandering around the nearby area of San Jose. Its not an unpleasant city, but neither is it particularly interesting. We found an ATM, had a Subway in which I managed to order a sandwich without any meat, and had a walk in a nearby park. There were a few exotic birds to see and a nice view of the mountains surrounding the city.
More GVI'ers arrived throughout the day - from France, UK, USA and Norway - quite a mix. We all seem to get on and have been chatting for most of the afternoon and having a laugh. Two of the current GVI interns have arrived to brief us and escort us to our base camp tomorrow. It all sounds very exciting and we're all raring to go!
rach n cals
1/8/2010 07:26:21 am

luv u, glad u got there safe callums checkin ur website everyday can't w8 for the next instalment luv u loads and take care from ur lil, sis cal n family p.s check facebook for the pics of owen in the snow xxx

rach n cals
1/8/2010 07:28:14 am

luv u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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